Friction pay is for smarter spending
✅ Get your spending in control
✅ Improve your financial health
✅ Develop a better relationship with moneyFriction pay is the best way to prevent buyer's remorse, excess spending and impulsive buying.Start building a great relationship with your money
Control your spending
Set up daily or weekly limits on your card. Set limits for a category of purchases or even a store.
Ahem, goodbye late night shopping!
Break impulses and habits
Catch yourself in the moment as you spend. Expense tracking, analysis is hard to do after the fact and actually too late.
Improve financial health
Saving is the first step towards a better financial future. You work hard for your money.
break your bad habits
Cut out bad spending
Brands and companies have engineered us to buy and made it a bit too easy. We think this is great, but this makes too many people spend beyond what they should and want to.
spend the way you always wanted to
Catch the moment
Friction helps you make better choices at the moment of purchase. Using clever behavorial hacks Friction will help you stay on track of your goals.
made for everyday people
Stop analyzing later
Let's face it. We all have used apps that show us our spending, pored over numbers and just wished that we had the power to go back and change our decision to buy that extra pair of jeans, that fancy dinner or that pricy room upgrade.After the fact is too late!
financial success for all
We want you to spend less.
Money (not enough of) is the leading cause of anxiety. Companies want you to spend more. We want you spend less for your long term success.With the right tools and partner stay strong on your financial journey.
Start a better financial future now.
A Friction Card will set you up for long term success.